During a press conference on Nov. 22, Rochelle Walensky, MD, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reported that the national weekly average had spiked 18 percent from the previous week, while average hospitalizations had risen six percent in the same period. She then urged everyone to take advantage of the expanded eligibility for booster shots announced by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Nov. 19. “Heading into the winter months, when respiratory viruses are more likely to spread, and with plans for increased holiday season travel and gatherings, boosting people’s overall protection against COVID-19 disease and death was important to do now,” Walensky said. “Most tragic are the vaccine-preventable deaths we are still seeing from this disease,” Walensky added. “Even in our updated data, unvaccinated people are at 14 times greater risk of dying from COVID-19 than people who are vaccinated.” During an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union on Nov. 21, Anthony Fauci, MD, chief White House COVID adviser, suggested that families who were fully vaccinated could spend the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday together without having to wear masks, adding that he was planning on doing that with his family. However, he cautioned anyone traveling or who is unsure of the vaccine status of anyone around them that they should don a face covering to protect themselves and others. “Get vaccinated and you can enjoy the holidays very easily. And if you’re not, please be careful,” Fauci said. “Get tested if you need to get tested when you’re getting together, but that’s not a substitute for getting vaccinated. Get yourself vaccinated and you can continue to enjoy interactions with your family and others.” Read on to see which states have experienced COVID surges of 25 percent or more over the past week as of Nov. 23, according to data from The Washington Post. RELATED: 60 Percent of Virus Experts Wouldn’t Do These 6 Things Right Now, Data Shows.

New cases in the last seven days: 20 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 26 percent

While addressing rising cases in the state during a press conference on Nov. 22, Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont said the outlook was much better than the previous Thanksgiving holiday. “We’re much better prepared than we were a year ago, much better prepared than we’ve been,” he said. But other doctors pointed out that the state’s trajectory shows people have been too quick to drop necessary precautions. “Vaccination, masking, testing, social distancing would be the best thing, but if that’s not happening and you’re traveling, those three things are the way out,” Ulysses Wu, MD, system director of infectious disease for Hartford Healthcare, told local CBS affiliate WFSB.

New cases in the last seven days: 22 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 26 percent

The latest COVID-19 spike in New Jersey has brought a wave of new infections with an increase of hospitalizations in its wake. But according to local health officials, the situation is likely to be different from last year’s holiday season. “Because of our high vaccination rate, we’re hoping severe disease, hospitalizations moderate,” Judy Persichilli, the state’s health commissioner, said at a press briefing. RELATED: Dr. Fauci Just Laid Out the Worst Case Scenario for the End of the Pandemic.

New cases in the last seven days: 19 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 26 percent

According to the latest update from the Virginia Department of Health on Nov. 22, cases in the state were rising along with the positive test rate, which hit 5.9 percent. It currently ranks 14th out of the states in share of people receiving at least one shot, with 73.8 percent of its residents at least partially vaccinated.

New cases in the last seven days: 35 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 27 percent

On Nov. 22, public health officials in Illinois reported that the state’s positive test rate from Nov. 15 through Nov. 21 was 3.9 percent. They also said 1,833 patients were hospitalized with the virus statewide, including 341 in the ICU. RELATED: If You Notice This at a Restaurant, Don’t Eat There, Virus Experts Warn.

New cases in the last seven days: 21 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 28 percent

A week after Arkansas became one of the first states to expand eligibility for boosters ahead of the federal government, local officials urged residents to protect themselves as the holiday approached. “Our vaccines increased again from the previous week,” Gov. Asa Hutchinson said in a Tweet. “As we continue to see cases increase from the week before and with Thanksgiving less than one week away, getting the vaccine has never been more important.”

New cases in the last seven days: 75 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 29 percent

New Hampshire officials announced on Nov. 21 that the state was currently seeing its worst infection numbers since the beginning of the pandemic. Data shows an all-time high of 7,966 active cases now reported, which tops the record set last week of 7,632 and is double the rate seen at the beginning of November. For more pandemic news sent right to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter.

New cases in the last seven days: 45 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 39 percent

Rhode Island health officials reported 1,144 new COVID-19 cases over the weekend on Nov. 21, with a positivity rate of 5.4 percent as cases continue to rise in the state. “As we move back indoors, as winter sports start to happen, we need to double down on those mitigation measures that we know work,” Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, Rhode Island Health Department Director, said during a press conference on Nov. 16.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

New cases in the last seven days: 50 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 40 percent

Maine has struggled recently with a COVID-19 surge that is mainly affecting unvaccinated residents and has placed a strain on the healthcare system. As of Nov. 21, the state had broken its hospitalization record when it reported 287 patients with the virus, including 80 in critical care and 30 on a ventilator, The Portland Press Herald reports. RELATED: Dr. Fauci Says He Would Take This COVID Precaution “In a Second”.

New cases in the last seven days: 39 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 41 percent

According to state health officials, the positive test rate in Massachusetts was up to 3.07 percent as of Nov. 21, nearly double the rate of 1.75 percent reported on the first of the month. The commonwealth is also seeing a seven-day hospitalization average of 647, up from a low earlier in the month of 515.

New cases in the last seven days: 11 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 41 percent

The latest COVID surge in Hawaii brought its all-time count to 86,939 cases since the beginning of the pandemic, making it the state with the fewest infections per capita, according to The New York Times. It has a positive test rate of 1.6 percent as of Nov. 22, according to COVID Act Now. RELATED: This Is When the Pandemic Will Finally Be Over, Former FDA Head Now Says.

title: “These 10 States Are Seeing The Worst Covid Surges Right Now” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-16” author: “Max Lofton”

On a national level, the U.S. has seen its seven-day average of new COVID cases increase by 15 percent as of June 29. But according to experts such as Scott Gottlieb, MD, former U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner, not all areas can expect to see the same jump in cases in the coming weeks and months—especially as the Delta variant continues to circulate and pick up speed. “It’s going to be hyper-regionalized, where there are certain pockets of the country [where] we can have very dense outbreaks,” Gottlieb said during a June 27 interview on CBS’ Face the Nation. “I think as you look across the United States, if you’re a community that has low vaccination rates and you also think that there was low immunity from prior infection, so the virus really hasn’t coursed through the local population, those communities are vulnerable,” he explained. “So, I think governors need to be thinking about how they build out health care resources in areas of the country where you still have a lot of vulnerability.” Other experts cautioned that the newest strain could have tragic consequences in the future. “A variant like Delta that has more transmissibility will lead to more hospitalizations and more deaths among a population that has low vaccination coverage,” Henry Walke, MD, director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) division of preparedness and emerging infections, told NBC News. “I’m worried about what’s going to happen in September as we move indoors and as schools open up again. The way to protect those kids is to vaccinate everyone else.” So, which places are currently seeing their cases increase? Read on to see the states with the worst COVID surges in the U.S., according to data from The Washington Post as of June 29. RELATED: If You Take Medication for This, You May Still Need a Mask, CDC Says.

New cases in the last seven days: 5 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 32 percent

New cases in the last seven days: 5 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 41 percent

RELATED: 99 Percent of People Hospitalized for COVID in 2021 Have This in Common.

New cases in the last seven days: 5 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 41 percent

New cases in the last seven days: 6 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 44 percent

RELATED: The CDC Says Vaccinated People Who Get COVID Have This in Common.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

New cases in the last seven days: 4 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 50 percent

New cases in the last seven days: 12 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 55 percent

RELATED: If You’re Unvaccinated, You’re Banned From These Popular Destinations.

New cases in the last seven days: 14 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 56 percent

New cases in the last seven days: 2 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 59 percent

RELATED: Dr. Fauci Says “Herd Immunity” Is No Longer the Goal With COVID—This Is.

New cases in the last seven days: 2 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 71 percent

New cases in the last seven days: 2 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 75 percent

RELATED: Scientists Just Made a Startling Discovery About Vaccinated People Who Get COVID.

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title: “These 10 States Are Seeing The Worst Covid Surges Right Now” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-02” author: “Cecile Allah”

The daily national average of new cases per 100,000 people is down to two percent from the 12 percent reported seven days ago, data shows from The Post, as of April 6. But 26 states reported an overall increase in the same time period, with 10 showing a significant jump of 15 percent or more over the past week. During an appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press on April 4, Michael Osterholm, MD, director of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, warned that despite the optimistic outlook held by many, the situation on the ground was beginning to look like “a category five hurricane status with regard to the rest of the world.” He also warned that a new hurdle had emerged in the fight against COVID-19: Children becoming infected. “This B.1.1.7 variant is a brand new ballgame,” Osterholm said of the highly contagious strain that was discovered in the U.K. in December and has now been reported in all 50 states. “Unlike the previous strains of the virus, we didn’t see children under eighth grade get infected often, or they were not frequently very ill. They didn’t transmit to the rest of the community,” he explained. “B.1.1.7 turns that on its head. These kids now are really major challenges in terms of how they transmit.” Read on to find out which states are currently seeing COVID cases surge more than 15 percent since last week, according to April 6 data from The Washington Post, and for more on PPE predictions, check out Dr. Fauci Just Said Exactly When We Won’t Need Masks Anymore. New cases in last seven days per 100,000 people: 141 Percent change in daily cases in last seven days: Up 15 percent New cases in last seven days per 100,000 people: 96 Percent change in daily cases in last seven days: Up 15 percent And for more on how to keep yourself safe, check out The CDC Says If You See This at a Restaurant, Don’t Go Inside. New cases in last seven days per 100,000 people: 151ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb Percent change in daily cases in last seven days: Up 16 percent New cases in last seven days per 100,000 people: 118 Percent change in daily cases in last seven days: Up 18 percent And for more on proper PPE use, check out If You See This on Your Mask, the FDA Says Toss It Immediately. New cases in last seven days per 100,000 people: 61 Percent change in daily cases in last seven days: Up 18 percent New cases in last seven days per 100,000 people: 69 Percent change in daily cases in last seven days: Up 21 percent And for more on serious immunization side effects, check out If This Happens After Your Vaccine, the FDA Says You Should Call 911. New cases in last seven days per 100,000 people: 471 Percent change in daily cases in last seven days: Up 30 percent New cases in last seven days per 100,000 people: TK Percent change in daily cases in last seven days: Up TK percent And for more on which shot can keep you safe from the latest strains, check out This One Vaccine May Protect You Against All Variants, New Study Says. New cases in last seven days per 100,000 people: 224 Percent change in daily cases in last seven days: Up 59 percent New cases in last seven days per 100,000 people: 175 Percent change in daily cases in last seven days: Up 70 percent And for more on where you still shouldn’t go after your shots, check out Dr. Fauci Just Said to Avoid This One Place, Even If You’re Vaccinated.

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