RELATED: Doing This Together Led 20 Percent of Couples to Divorce in New Survey. Read the original article on Best Life. While cheating, financial infidelity, and abuse are among the more commonly cited reasons for the dissolution of marriages, not all relationships go out with a bang. According to a study published in the Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, among a group of 886 divorcing parents, 53 percent said that the fact that they were “not able to talk together” was the main catalyst for seeking a divorce. For the latest relationship news delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter! It’s not just a communication breakdown that led to numerous divorces, however. In fact, there was one marital problem that was actually cited as a reason for splitting among more people than a breakdown in communication.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb Among those polled as part of the Journal of Divorce & Remarriage study, 55 percent said that simply “growing apart” had led to their split. While research suggests that up to 15 percent of divorced couples eventually reconcile, there are specific reasons for marital dissolution that make getting back together especially unlikely. The Journal of Divorce & Remarriage study’s authors found that money issues, differing tastes, and growing apart were associated with low rates of interest in reconciliation, and there was little interest in reconciliation when cheating or abuse was involved. Though having similar interests and tastes may seem like a surefire predictor of relationship satisfaction, having some differences may actually be key to keeping your union intact. According to a study from Queendom, which analyzed data from 2,560 people who took the site’s Relationship Satisfaction Test, it wasn’t agreeing on everything that was the highest predictor of relationship satisfaction. Instead, it was whether or not the differences between partners were complementary that best predicted couples’ happiness in their relationship. RELATED: You’re More Likely to Divorce If You Met Your Spouse This Way, New Study Says.