Though President Donald Trump has promised to protect Americans from the threat of displacement during the pandemic, critics are quick to point out that his eviction protection plan would only serve residents of buildings with federally backed mortgages. Just one fourth of America’s 44 million renters would be protected by this ban extension, while homes with privately held mortgages would continue to have no tenant protections at all. With congress unable to reach an agreement on housing protections as part of the federal stimulus package, talks have stopped for summer recess and are unlikely to resume before mid-September. According to Newsweek, the lack of tenant protections could have a profound impact on both our economic stability and public health. A surge in evictions could set off a cascade of consequences including a spike in new coronavirus cases, a subsequent strain on the hospital system, and a widespread increase in poverty and homelessness. While renters are in the most immediate danger, they’re not the only ones likely to suffer: small scale landlords who rely on rent for income will also be in increased danger of financial ruin. As renters fail to pay, many Mom and Pop landlords will struggle to cover the mortgage, leaving them vulnerable to foreclosure.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb That’s why housing advocates are calling for a two-pronged approach of reinstating a comprehensive eviction ban and providing rental assistance resources. Together, these strategies might just bridge the rent gap until America can get back to work. And for more on federal funds, check out these States That Are Giving Extra Unemployment Money.