A “Bureau of Land Management employee who was in the area of the fires at the time and had reported that a white male adult was seen walking along the gravel road that leads towards Mariel Lodge and Rogue River Ranch, starting fires,” Curry County Sheriff John Ward said in a statement. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb RELATED: Here are Your Chances to Win Friday’s Mega Millions, and Who Was One Ball Short

The stuff of movies

What happened next is the stuff of movies. “Three helicopters were dispatched by ODF while ground crews including residents of the area quickly got the two fires under control and contained. Three local residents of that area located the suspect walking on the roadway near the fires and detained him until law enforcement arrived on scene. It was reported that the suspect became very combative with the three residents and had to be tied to a tree to subdue him,” Ward said. The suspect was later identified as Trennon Smith, a 33 year old from Venera, Oregon. “An ambulance crew was asked to respond due to some injuries that the suspect apparently received from falling down.” “The quick actions on getting the fires out most certainly averted a catastrophe and saved lives,” Ward added. “If the fires had not been contained and if they got out of control, they could have blocked all the residents and visitors from having an escape route,” said Ward. RELATED: Elon Musk Fires Back Against Media Accusing Him for Having Affair with His Friend’s Wife. “They Could Say I’m Satan.” 

Heroes Praised

The response on social media was swift and grateful. “Thank you to all who reported this individual, detained him and who had a part in stopping the fires and making him accountable. This could have been so much worse. Blessings to all and stay safe,” said Penny Butler on Facebook. “Great job everyone! Thank goodness for people in the area that saw him & tied him to the tree,” commented Marla Hammond Lavelle. As for the suspect: “Smith was transported to Three Rivers Hospital in Grants Pass and once he was medically cleared, he was transported by USFS law enforcement to the Curry County Jail and lodged on Arson in the First-Degree x 2 and Reckless Burning. Smith was also lodged on a Detention Warrant out of Lane County for probation violation,” said Ward.